Hello and welcome to my racing pigeon pages. I have always loved and kept pigeons, right from the age of six (1976) in fact, but it was only in 1996 after meeting two people who influenced my life greatly -- Uncle Henry and Col Smith that I started keeping Racing Pigeons.

I have enjoyed, and continue to enjoy the sport thoroughly. Year after year (except a couple in between, when I have been shifting homes) my birds have brought me loads of happiness with their performances on the track.

With this site I aim to document some of my best moments in the sport and also information about pigeon racing in India. It will also have interviews with pigeon fanciers and their methods and some of the methods that have brought me success.

My inspiration to start this website is none other than Basil Gossman, whose pigeon pages on the web has been a great aid for me in racing. Hopefully this site will help some of you in this wonderful world of PIGEON RACING!

Edison Thomas


Mobile: +919845315100 (Please Text)

email: edisonjt@gmail.com

Some good videos on the pigeons (Thanks Herb!)





How Hawks see the world: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-_RHRAzUHM

For those of you who like cartoons watch this... http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=jEjUAnPc2VA

Will GPS trackers save the pigeon sport? http://www.pigeonracingpigeon.com/discussion-of-the-week/video-can-gps-trackers-save-pigeon-racing/